Thursday, October 27, 2005

the different between straight news, features, and opinion!

Everyday We can see Straight news,features and opinion from newspaper.But Some of people cannot distinguish different between straight news,features and opinion.Three of it are the different type of new articles and let me tell you the different between them!!

It's a right name why we call straigt news because it really just "straight and fast"when want to report something.Usually,straight news is just included 5W and 1H.What mean 5W and 1H??Well,5W mean what,who,where,when and why.1H mean how,it use to mention how a thing will happen.We usually can read straight news in first page of Newpaper.It just told all detail of news through 5W and 1H.Reader can get the detail of surface only,it not go deep into whole detail about news.

Features is focus on the introduction just like introduction about New Era College.We can find more detail in features.In features,we can find 3 paragraph of indroduce and 1 nut graph.Then ,we can find main body and Conclusion.So,featres can tell one story with clearly but if need more time fo finish a features because we need to interview with one guest and ask and knew more detail to write a consummate feature.

Opinion is a proposal.We can give any opinion but it should have evidence to support opinion and everyone can give opinion.Opinion can be write in short article and also can write in long article.

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